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Sunday, 19 December 2010

Reading Log

The new book I started reading is "The Illustrated Man" by Ray Bradbury. This book is a different type of genre than what I would usually read but I am really enjoying it and looking forward to finishing it. The book starts off with the main character meeting the illustrated man, then he is introduced in the story. The illustrated man was looking for a job, he later explains that he cannot keep a job for long because of his illustrations. He later explains how he got his illustrations, it was 1900 and he was 20 years old, he broke his leg, he then decided to get tattooed. An old woman tattooed him, he sat all night while the woman tattooed him, still to this day he wants to kill that woman. The illustrated man explains that his tattoos can predict the future. The illustrations move at night and predict what will happen in the future. Illustrations appear at his right shoulder when he meets someone. It shows there future, how they will look when they are 60, and how they will die. The illustrated man has 18 illustrations going from his neck to his waist line.
Today while I was reading I could picture an old witch tattooing the illustrated man from his neck to his waste line. I could clearly picture this image in my head because it was very descriptive an used great imagery. I cannot connect to any characters yet because I haven't experienced or been through what the character has, I haven't been tattooed so I cannot relate to his experience. So far I haven't had any major difficulties understanding parts of the book, if something is unclear I just re-read the page. I also haven't done anything similar to what the characters have experienced in the book because I don't have a tattoo or have done anything similar to what the character has done. Some literary features of this book are allusion, there is a reference to El Greco and his style of painting in the story. There is also a lot of imagery when characterizing each illustration on the man. There is even a flashback when explaining how he got the illustrations on him. I think the these literary features are effective and have been used properly. Each feature helps me paint an almost perfect picture in my head. The plot of my story is not realistic because illustrations on your body cannot tell the future of your life and the life of others. It is an unrealistic story but is very interesting and exciting. The character that I would like to have as a friend is definitely the illustrated man, he would be able to predict the future and that would be a cool friend to have. The part that I have read today doesn't fit with previous books that i have read because this book style is something different that I have not read in previous books. I cannot connect this book to any others that I have read. I predict that the next section will continue on explaining and introducing the illustrated man and him getting to know the main character better so they become friends. I also think that there is might be an adventure were they go looking for the witch who tattooed the illustrated man. If I could jump into my book right now I would prevent the old witch from tattooing the illustrated man so he doesn't have to suffer. I would kill the witch before she began illustrating him. I would also try to convince him to embrace the gift he has been given and predict peoples future. I could clearly visualize the scene were the witch was tattooing the illustrated man. There was excellent imagery in this scene and it helped me visualize it very well. No event setting or character in this book reminds me of my life because as I said this book is very different than other books that I have read and it is very difficult to compare to real life events.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Reading Log #3



Reading Log #3

My book is called “Eye of the Needle” by Ken Follett. This is my third reading log for this story. My story starts following my prior reading log. It starts off with Godliman trying to catch “The Needle”. They manage to find some letters written by The Needle and Godliman and at this point agents were trying to depict the secret message that The Needle was trying to send. They couldn’t crack the secret code and figure out the meaning of these messages. They have no lead on finding The Needle and they waited until they had better evidence and a lead. Meanwhile The Needle has committed a second murder. He has murdered an agent codenamed Blondie. They believe he came in a parachute a couple of weeks ago. He was a peaceful young man with a blond moustache. The Needle had done a very neat job. He had stabbed him with his Stiletto under the rib and straight up into the heart. But Godliman still had no lead on catching The Needle. Then there is a shift between this story to the couple living on the Island. Lucy’s mother had come to visit the couple. She came to see her grandchild and spend a few weeks at their house. A huge fight broke out between Lucy and David, the argument was because Lucy believed that David didn’t love her anymore, she wants someone to love her and take care of her. David believed that she and her mother were gossiping about his personal wife therefore he wanted her mother to leave and not stay any longer. Lucy’s mother did not stay and the chapter ends with her leaving the Island.

While I was reading today I could clearly picture the fight between Lucy and David. David didn’t want Lucy’s mother to stay any longer and Lucy wanted David to love her like he loved her before the accident. I could picture the atmosphere and the arguing. The character that I can connect to in my story would be David because I don’t like people gossiping about my personal life behind my back and I understand why David would react that way. I am having some difficulties understanding my story because of the shift between two stories, there are two different stories going on at the same time but then somehow will merge. I cannot connect to something similar that the characters in my book have experienced because the characters are either paralyzed, secret agents, or murderers. There experiences are somehow extreme to my experiences because it takes place during the Second World War.

The literary features in my book are characterized with a great amount of imagery; there are very descriptive parts in the book that can make me paint a perfect visual image in my mind. For example “The supply boat rounded the headland and chugged into the bay at Storm Island under a blue sky. There were two women in it: one was the skipper’s wife- he had been called up and now she ran the business- and the other was Lucy’s mother. Mother got out of the boat wearing a utility suit, a mannish jacket and an above the knee skirt. Lucy hugged her mightily.” This passage was a very good example of imagery. Another literary devise was the conflict between The Needle and Blondie. It was man vs. man and ended up with Blondie getting stabbed with a Stiletto in the heart.

The plot in my book is very realistic because it is based on facts that actually occurred in history, World War 2. It is not based on a true story but the plot is realistic and historically accurate. The character that I would like to have as a friend would be David because he is a hard worker and a loyal friend. He also seems like a pretty cool guy. The part that I read today fits together with the other books that I read previously because the other book I read was D-Day. Which is what triggered the Second World War, so both stories are about the same historical event and based on the same thing. I can predict that in the next section these two stories will merge or I hope so. Something will link these two stories, The Needle and Storm Island. I think that somehow The Needle will end up on Storm Island and meet the couple.

If I could jump into my book right now I would jump into the part where The Needle murders Blondie. I would somehow try and prevent that from happening. I would warn Blondie telepathically about what is going to happen and provide him with a weapon to defend himself against The Needle. The part that I could visualize the best in what I read today was the argument between Lucy and David. I could just picture the whole fight going on and the angry mood. The fight was so detailed on specific, every movement, every word every tear was analyzed with great detail. I could almost slowly imagine this whole scene going on in my head like a movie. The passage was rich in imagery. The only person I can connect to if anybody would be David, because he feels that he has no privacy when Lucy’s mother was around. He felt like she was dissecting his personality, and pocking into his personal life and gossiping about him behind his back. I guess I can somehow relate to this because I sometimes feel that there is no privacy.

Saturday, 15 May 2010

The Pearl

1) Family is the most important thing in life?

I agree that family is the most important thing in life. Family is something that everybody should have. People should be greatful, thankful, and pleased to have a family. A family provides a lot for you. It provides the essentials to live a happy life (food, shelter, water, money, and security). Even though you might think that family isn't that important it is definitely the most important thing in life. Everybody needs a family to help you with making important decisions in life, and to steer you in the right direction. That is why I agree that family is the most important thing in life.

2) Sometimes winning the lottery is a bad thing?

I also agree to that winning the lottery is a bad thing. I agree because sometimes winning the lottery can spoil you. The "crazy amounts" of money can make you forget about the simple things in life. Money can make you forget about your family, your job, and yourself it can disillusion you. You can also spend the money on wrong things and regret it. You will never be the same again after winning the lottery. Winning the lottery will change your life. Money will turn you into something you don't want to be. If you use the money in a wrong way it will destroy your life. You can lose everything, and most of all your self-respect.

3) Our lives are ruled by fate? No matter what decisions we take our lives are planned out for us.

I agree that are lives are ruled by fate. I believe that no matter what decisions we take, our lives are planned out for us. I agree with this because I would like to believe that everything is meant to happen for a reason. I believe that everything happens for a reason, it is destiny. I think that our lives are planned out. So no matter what happens you know that it is meant to happen, and it was meant to happen for a good reason. And this is why I believe that our lives are ruled by fate.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010


Marijuana is the most commonly abused drug in the United States. It derives from the Cannabis plant. It is most commonly smoked as a cigarette (joint) or in a pipe (bong).
The common street names are Afghan, Aunt Marry Broccoli, Columbian Black, Torch, Dope, Dubby, Ganja, Giggle weed, Grass, Herb, Jane, Joint, Mary, Mexican Green, Panama Red, Pot, Roach, Shit, Tea, and Thai Sticks.

After you have smoked Marijuana you have immediate physical effects that include a faster heartbeat and pulse rate, bloodshot eyes, and a dry throat and mouth. There is no scientific evidence to prove that marijuana improves hearing, eyesight, and skin sensitivity. When you use marijuana it can cause distorted perceptions, impaired coordination, difficulty in thinking and problem solving, common sense, and problems with learning and memory. Its use reduces learning ability.

Marijuana can also be used for medical treatment. A number of patients claim that smoking weed has helped the deal with pain and relieve them from symptoms.

Monday, 22 February 2010

Monday, 15 February 2010


This article made me think of what really happened in Haiti. These people didn’t have a lot but yet they lost everything. There houses were destroyed and they were left with nothing. 250,000 houses were shattered and 30,000 buildings were demolished by the 7.0 earthquake. About 230,000 people had been identified as dead and 300,000 injured. The earthquake occurred at 16:53 local time on the 12th of January. The earthquake caused major damage to Haiti’s capital Port-au-Prince. People were left without homes. I was very depressed, sad, and miserable when I heard about the earthquake, my instincts immediately told me do what you can to help those poor souls in Haiti. I had a sudden urge to scream “help” to inform everyone about the tragedy, so that they can also help. I was shocked that within 24 hours, the Red Cross announced it had exhausted its medical supplies in Haiti, this shows how many people were injured, hurt and were in desperate need of help immediately. Three million traumatized people were left without a home, no clean water, and no food. I think that countries should definitely try and send aid. They should donate money, food, water, clothes, and medical supplies and anything else that Haiti can use. All of the countries in the world should assist in helping the people in need in Haiti. Cyprus should try to donate different types of goods to Haiti, such as food, water, and, clothes. I also think that our school A.I.S.C can help with this problem. We can raise money by setting up bake sales, fund raisers, informal dress days, concerts, fun school events, and even host sports tournaments. We can also donate leftover clothes from the lost and found that we gather every year from students that leave our school. Young people all around the world should try and help Haiti. They should donate all there old clothes that they have grown out of, and give food and supplies if they can. I personally think that my family can help the needy in Haiti. We can send money, food, clothes, and water and maybe even medicine to help the needy people in Haiti. Have a heart help people in need!

Match Counts HW‏

1) Politics and political problems are a subject for adults to deal with.

I agree because children cant deal with political problems. They are not mature enough to deal with them. Adults on the other hand are mature and capable of dealing with political problems.

2) All scenarios can have a happy ending if those involved work towards it.

I disagree, I think that people want to believe that all scenarios can have a happy ending if those involved work towards it. I think that's not true. This prompt is party true though. There wont be a happy ending in all scenarios but there can be in some. For example if your family was brutally murdered no matter how hard you work towards a happy ending there wont be one.

3) Literacy (being able to read and write) is a form of freedom.

I agree, being able to read and write is a form of freedom. Because you are able to read and write whatever you want. Now one is going to tell you what to read and write. Also the freedom of speech allows you to write whatever you want.

4)Civilization without a written language cannot effectively document history.

I agree because writing is an easy way to express yourself with other people understanding you but it would be extremely hard to document history effectively without a written language.

5)Love at first site is not possible. Like all endeavors, love takes time and perseverance.

I agree with this. You cannot fall in love with someone at first site. You might really like them but it wont be love. Love does take time and perseverance. To fall in love with someone you need to get to now them.

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Monday, 18 January 2010

Grease or Soc?

What would you rather be, a spoiled rich kid or a cool greaser like us? I’ll give you five reasons on why you should be a greaser. Greasers stick up for each other. Socs are followers and we are individuals and leaders. Also Socs are a bunch of spoiled rich kids riding around in their daddy’s cars. We can have long hair and do what we want, and Socs, their two faced mamas boys that are not who you really think they are.
We greasers will always stick up for each other no matter what. We are all just a big family. If any of the greasers are having a hard time at home they come and sleep at our house. That’s why we leave our door unlocked. We never know who we might find sleeping on our couch in the morning.
Socs are followers, we are individuals and leaders, Socs are followers of the law. They just have money. We greasers don’t follow anyone; we are leaders of our own lives. We don’t care what others say about us.
You would never want to be a Soc. They are just a bunch of spoiled rich kids that think there cool because they drive their pretty little cars. They rely on their parents to get themselves out of trouble. They think they are cool because their parents spoil them with money. We have more freedom then them. They might have money but we greasers know the true meaning of friendship.
We have more freedom from the Socs. We can do what we want. We can dress the way we want to and be who we want to be. We are not afraid of having long greasy hair. That’s just the way we are.Socs are also two faced, they are not who you think they are. They act like innocent kids but are really white trash with pretty clothes and pretty cars. They always find a way to get away with it and blame it on the greasers. You belong with us greasers.